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Stephen Ministry

Leader: Several

Stephen Ministry

The Stephen Ministry logo represents a care receiver’s journey from brokenness
toward wholeness
through the cross of Jesus.
In this way, it illustrates
“Christ caring for people through people,”
which is the Stephen Ministry motto.

The Stephen Ministry provides quality care and extends the caring ministry of the church. Our Stephen Ministry is led by certified caregivers called  to organize and direct Stephen Ministry here at FCCR.

Who Is Involved?
Stephen Leaders are the ones who oversee and direct our Stephen Ministry. They recruit, select, train, organize, and supervise our Stephen Ministers, identify people in need of care, and match them with a Stephen Minister.

Stephen Ministers are the caregivers. They have received 50 hours of training in Christian caregiving, including general topics such as listening, feelings, boundaries, assertiveness, and using Christian resources in caregiving. In addition, their training covers specialized topics such as ministering to the divorced, hospitalized, bereaved, and aging.

Care receivers are the recipients of Stephen Ministers' care; they may or may not be members of our church. They are people who are experiencing divorce, grief, loss of a job, loneliness, hospitalization, terminal illness, or any of an endless number of other life difficulties. It is the goal of our Stephen Ministry to extend this ministry to our community. Stephen Ministers usually meet with their care receivers once a week for about an hour for as long as the care receiver will benefit from the relationship.

What Do Stephen Ministers Do?
Stephen Ministers are caring Christian friends who listen, understand, accept, and pray for and with care receivers, who are working through a crisis or a tough time.

Are Stephen Ministers Counselors?
Stephen Ministers are not counselors; they are trained lay caregivers. Their role is to listen and care--not to give advice or counsel. Stephen Ministers are also trained to recognize when a care receiver's needs exceed what they can provide. When that happens, they work with care receivers to help them receive the level of care they really need.

Can I Trust a Stephen Minister?
Trust is essential to a caring relationship, and Stephen Ministers are people you can trust. Confidentiality is one of the most important principles of Stephen Ministry, and what a care receiver tells his or her Stephen Minister is kept in the strictest confidence.

When you ask for help, a Stephen Minister will contact you to talk more about Stephen Ministry and what it can mean to you. If your needs can be best served by a Stephen Minister, you will be matched with someone who will support you through this tough time.

Confidentiality is a top priority for Stephen Ministers. You do not need to be concerned that other people will discover what you talk about with your Stephen Minister.

If you are interested in pursuing help from a Stephen Minister, you can do this by contacting us at 972-771-5526 for a referral to a Stephen Minister, or send a confidential email by clicking here.