Disciples Women

Disciples Women

Disciples Women offers a variety of opportunities for study, service and fellowship. All ladies of FCCR are invited to participate and attend as many activities as they would like.

Some of the projects we annually fund with the proceeds of our fundraisers are our Angel Tree program, buying school supplies for the under privileged areas, contributing to many Disciples organizations, such as Southwest Good Samaritan Ministries, Disciples Mission Fund, the Inman Center in San Antonio (where our youth spent their mission trip a couple of years ago). Disciples Women also make an annual donation to our Youth for their mission trip. We give to the Juliette Fowler Home, Week of compassion, and Disciples Crossing (the Church Camp facility in Athens) for maintenance and upkeep, as do many other Disciples Women groups from the 82 other Disciples churches in the Dallas Area. We send cards and gifts to our college students and help with postage and items with Military Boxes, the Rockwall Nursing Home, and the Rainbow Room. We have our hands in many pies–-our outreach is far and wide, down the street and around the world. Wherever it is, it is needed.

As we ask God in the Disciples Women prayer…"Open our eyes to the needs of the world and fill our hearts with concern for all people. Guide us so that we may truly serve you through Jesus Christ, our Lord."