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Music Ministry

Director of Music Ministries: Betty Taylor

The music program of First Christian Church Rockwall is an outlet for people of all ages to creatively express their love for, and commitment to, God. We understand that the opportunity to serve His Kingdom through art, drama, and music is a great privilege and an awesome responsibility. Within the church, we joyfully employ our gifts to enhance the worship service and further the message of Christ. We also use our talents as a springboard to reach out in mission to those outside our congregation.

The Hand Bell Choir performs during the worship service several times throughout the year. Our five-octave set of handbells was partially a gift from Highland Heights Christian Church in Wichita Falls. The Hand Bell choir rehearses on Wednesdays at 6:00 pm.

The Chancel choir rehearses every Wednesday evening at 7:00.  (Hand Bells and Choir take a break during the summer)